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Dottorato in Scienze Farmaceutiche

Informazioni generali

Durata: 3 anni
Coordinatore del Programma: Prof. Giulio Vistoli

Descrizione e obiettivi del corso

Il Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Farmaceutiche ha lo scopo di formare giovani ricercatori di elevata professionalità in grado di operare con successo, sia a livello industriale che accademico, nel settore del farmaco e dei prodotti per la salute. La formazione, che si pone come obiettivo primario quello di fornire conoscenze avanzate, sia sotto il profilo metodologico che dei contenuti culturali e scientifici nell’area farmaceutica, consisterà di una parte teorica e di un’intensa attività di ricerca, entrambe incentrate sulla progettazione, la sintesi, lo sviluppo e il controllo di nuove molecole ad attività biologica, di nuove forme farmaceutiche, di alimenti speciali, di cosmetici, di biocidi e di dispositivi medici, temi caratterizzanti i SSD che partecipano al corso di Dottorato.

Ambiti scientifici

• Progettazione e sintesi di molecole ad attività biologica
• Analisi farmaceutica, biofarmaceutica e tossicologica
• Metabolismo dei farmaci e farmacocinetica
• Tecnologia e legislazione Farmaceutiche
• Chimica degli alimenti e dei prodotti dietetici
• Chimica e biotecnologie delle fermentazioni
• Metodologie sintetiche avanzate
• Caratterizzazione chimico-fisica di prodotti ad attività biologica
• Piante officinali e principi attivi di origine vegetale
• Metodologie statistiche per l'elaborazione dei dati sperimentali nel laboratorio di analisi chimica

Sbocchi occupazionali e professionali previsti

I Dottori di Ricerca in Scienze Farmaceutiche sono in grado di operare in ruoli di responsabilità e di coordinamento presso:

• aziende chimiche e farmaceutiche,
• centri di servizi e consulenza chimica o farmaceutica,
• università o altri enti di ricerca.

I settori in cui possono direttamente o indirettamente operare sono collegati:

• alla progettazione, allo sviluppo, alla produzione del farmaco,
• all’analisi farmaceutica e controllo qualità,
• alla tecnologia farmaceutica,
• al controllo ed alla commercializzazione di medicinali e di prodotti dell'area salutare
• erboristico/cosmetico/nutrizionale.

Le percentuali di inserimento dei Dottori di Ricerca in Chimica del Farmaco (ora Scienze Farmaceutiche) nel mondo lavorativo sono sempre state elevate. Circa il 70% di coloro che hanno conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Chimica del Farmaco (ora Scienze Farmaceutiche) negli ultimi 3 anni ha trovato immediata collocazione in aziende, nazionali ed estere, che operano nei settori di pertinenza. Il restante 30% ha proseguito l’attività di ricerca in qualità di post-doc presso istituzioni pubbliche italiane (Università, CNR) ed estere.

Strutture di ricerca

I laboratori e le strutture di ricerca sono collocati sia in sedi universitarie che presso il CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). Le attrezzature dei laboratori universitari e del CNR sono patrimonio comune per tutti gli studenti di dottorato che frequentano il programma di ricerca.

Per i dettagli si rimanda ai siti delle strutture.
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche:
CNR, Istituto di Chimica per il Riconoscimento Molecolare:

Direzione e segreteria

Direzione - Segreteria - Sito Ariel

Prof. Giulio Vistoli
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Via Mangiagalli 25, 20133 Milano

Segreteria del Dottorato e Amministrazione gestione del sito ARIEL Valentina Venuti
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Via Mangiagalli 25, 20133 Milano
e-mail:; Telefono: 02-50319337

Collegio docenti

Componenti del Collegio Docenti

ABBIATI Giorgio, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Organica

ALDINI Giancarlo, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

ALTOMARE Alessandra, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore RTD-B, Chimica Farmaceutica

BERETTA Giangiacomo, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

BOLCHI Cristiano, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Chimica Farmaceutica

CARINI Marina, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

CASTOLDI Laura, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Organica

CEREA Matteo, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

CHIARI Marcella, CNR, Istituto di Chimica del riconoscimento molecolare, Primo Ricercatore

CILURZO Francesco, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

CONTINI Alessandro, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Organica

DALLANOCE Clelia, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

D'AMATO Alfonsina, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Analitica

DE AMICI Marco, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

DE COLA Luisa, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Generale e inorganica

FICO Gelsomina, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Biologia Farmaceutica

FRANZE' Silvia, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

FUMAGALLI Laura, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

GELAIN Arianna, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Chimica Farmaceutica

GELMI Maria Luisa, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Organica

GIORGINO Toni, CNR, Istituto di Biofisica, Primo Ricercatore

GIULIANI Claudia, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Biologia Farmaceutica

GRAZIOSO Giovanni, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

LAMMI Carmen, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica degli Alimenti

MARONI Alessandra, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

MATERA Carlo, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

MELOCCHI Alice, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

MENEGHETTI Fiorella, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

MINGHETTI Paola, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

MUSAZZI Umberto Maria, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore RTD-B, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

PALLAVICINI Marco, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

PEDRETTI Alessandro, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

PELLEGRINO Sara, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Organica

PINI Elena Renata Elvira, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Chimica Organica

PIROVANO Valentina, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Organica

REGAZZONI Luca, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Chimica Farmaceutica

RIMOLDI Isabella, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Ricercatore, Chimica Generale ed Inorganica

RIVA Sergio, CNR, Istituto di Chimica del riconoscimento molecolare, Primo Ricercatore, Chimica Organica

RIMOLDI Isabella Silvia, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Generale ed Inorganica

RIZZELLO Loris, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

RODA Gabriella, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

ROMANELLI Alessandra, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Generale ed Inorganica

SALA Angelo, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Farmacologia

SECUNDO Francesco, CNR, Istituto di Chimica del riconoscimento molecolare, Ricercatore, Chimica Farmaceutica

SELMIN Francesca, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

VALOTI Ermanno, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

VILLA Stefania, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Chimica Farmaceutica

VISTOLI Giulio, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Ordinario, Chimica Farmaceutica

ZEMA Lucia, UNIMI, Dipartimento di Scienze farmaceutiche, Professore Associato, Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo

Per contattare i singoli docenti:

UNIMI, Università degli Studi di Milano, utilizzare la funzione " chi e dove" sul portale UNIMI:

CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, alla pagina:




“THE DRUG DISCOVERY PROCESS: FROM TARGET TO LEAD IDENTIFICATION” (recommended to third year PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 20h, 4 credits). Course responsibility: Prof. Marco DE AMICI, Aula Maggiore - via Celoria 2 - February 19-21, 2024.
Welcome and introductory remarks. M. DE AMICI - University of Milan.
a) Encoded combinatorial libraries: from ligand discovery to targeted therapeutics. Prof. D. NERI(ETH Zurich & Pphilogen AG).
b) Lung-targeted small molecules with a focus on Chiesi discovery program on inhaled MABAs: from discovery to the clinic. Dr. L.
CARZANIGA (Chiesi Farmaceutici, Parma).
c) Preclinical characterization of CHF6001, a novel inhaled PDE4 inhibitor in clinical development for chronic inflammatory lung
diseases. Dr. G. VILLETTI ((Chiesi Farmaceutici, Parma).
d) Role of non-invasive molecular imaging in drug discovery and development. Dr. F. STELLARI (Chiesi Farmaceutici, Parma).
e) Danusertib and its followers. Aurora inhibitors from bench to clinic. Dr. M. PULICI (Nerviano Medical Sciences, Milan).
f) Process development for clinical success: technology transfer and troubleshooting in pharmaceutical manufactoring. Dr. A. BOVE
g) Lead optimisation to FTIH: ADME characterization and development strategies. Dr. D. OSBOURN (Aptuit - an Evotec Company).
h) Safety assessment and risk management during preclinical drug development. Dr. M. PECORARO (Aptuit - an Evotec Company).
i) API solid form screening, selection and control from the lead optimization to preclinical phases. Dr. J. MENEGOTTO and Dr. M. ALMI
(Aptuit - an Evotec Company).
l) Preformulation challanges and strategies along lead optimization - preclinical interphase. Dr. E. COGO (Aptuit - an Evotec
Company, Verona).

“CRYSTALLOGRAPHY MEETS MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY: AN INTRODUCTORY COURSE” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 12.5 h, 2 credits). Course responsibility: Prof. Fiorella MENEGHETTI, February 2024.
Teachers: Prof. F. Meneghetti, Dr. Matteo MORI (University of Milan).
This course will offer a foundational introduction to crystallography, providing an overview of the steps that lead to the determination of the 3-D structure of drugs and protein-ligand complexes. The theoretical lectures will present the basic principles of this technique and its applications in drug discovery and optimization. In the practical workshops, the participants will apply the most common methods to obtain single crystals and analyze and interpret structural data. Theoretical lecture 1: "Principles of crystallography and crystallization". Practical workshop 1: "No structure without crystal, the long road to get it". Theoretical lecture 2: "From diffraction data to model building and validation". Practical workshop 2: "From refinement to structure" (in the computer lab).

“HPC@UNIMI: INDACO FOR DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 h, 3 credits). Course responsibility: Prof. Giovanni GRAZIOSO, April 2024.
Teachers: Prof. G. GRAZIOSO, Dr. A. MAZZOLARI, Prof. A. CONTINI, Prof. I. EBERINI.
The purpose of this course is providing a basic knowledge on the usage of the INDACO platform (login and cluster job management) and the UNIX-type operating systems. After a general introduction, the course will be focused on the application of the molecular modeling tools to drug design. In particular, starting from the essential concepts of molecular simulations, the course will be focused on giving the partecipants the thoretical and practical hints for the application of the most common software to the computational design and development of bioactive molecules.

“THE DRUG DISCOVERY PROCESS: FROM TARGET TO LEAD IDENTIFICATION” (mandatory for first year PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 20h, 4 credits). Course responsibility: Prof. Giulio VISTOLI, Aula Maggiore - via Celoria 2 - June 24-26, 2024.
Welcome and introductory remarks. G. VISTOLI - University of Milan.
a) The drug discovery process from targets to leads: an overview. Dr. T. BANDIERA (IIT, Genoa).
b) Target identification and target validation. Dr. L. LANFRANCONE (IEO, Milan).
c) MS-Proteomics approaches for drug target identification. Prof. A. ALTOMARE (University of Milan).
d) Hit identification approaches. Dr. Daniela ASA (Nerviano Medical Sciences, Milan).
e) Hit identification: from theory to real cases. Dr. F. BERTOZZI, (IIT, Genoa).
f) Data driven approach: how to maximize the impact of analytics and AI. Dr. C. BROGGIO (SAS Institute, Milan).
g) Models and simulations for the design of biologically active compounds. Prof. A. LODOLA (University of Parma).
h) The importance of AI and Machine Learning integration in CADD workflows. Dr. F. LUNGHINI (Dompé Farmaceutici SpA).
i) Practical approaches for ADMET parameters optimization during the drug discovery phase. Dr. M. G. DONDIO (Aphad, Milan).
l) Lead optimization: facts or fantasy? A quick journey in a long process. Dr. A. CIANCIULLI (Aptuit - an Evotec Company).

“MASS SPECTROMETRY IN PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SPECTRA INTERPRETATION” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10 h, 2 credits). Course responsibility: Prof. Luca REGAZZONI, July 2024.
Teachers: Prof. L. REGAZZONI (University of Milan).
The course is built as a tutorial intended to give fundamental skills in manual processing and interpretation of mass spectrometry (MS) data. In fact, although the modern instruments provide software-aided interpretation tools, guided or standardized procedures are not exempt from blunders, and critical revision of data by the operator is always desirable. The tutorial is built to address the theory and practice of the manual interpretation of spectra collected in experiments aimed at structural confirmation or de novo identification of small molecules and impurities. This procedure is a popular task in pharma field both for drug development and quality control. The tutorial is designed for people that want to learn or expand their spectra interpretation skills, including people with no experience in MS.

“MASS SPECTROMETRY APPLICATIONS IN DRUG DISCOVERY” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 h, 3 credits).
Course responsibility: Prof. Giancarlo ALDINI, September 2024.
Teachers: Prof. G. ALDINI, Prof. A. ALTOMARE, Dr. G. BARON - University of Milan.
a) Analytical strategies based on High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS), for the study of new molecular targets, identification and characterization of small and large bioactive molecules and elucidation of their mechanisms of action: Theoretical aspects.
b) Overview of the main HR-ESI-MS applications:
b1) Characterization of small molecules and identification of bioactive naturally occurring compounds (METABOLOMICS);
b2) Characterization of large bioactive molecules and bio-conjugates (Quali/Quantitative PROTEOMICS).
c) Lab experiences: sample preparation and LCMS analysis, followed by data analysis.

“ANALYTICAL APPROACHES IN FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 h, 3 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Gabriella RODA, September 2024.
Teachers: Prof. G. RODA, Dr. S. CASATI - University of Milan.
The objective of the course is to study the link between the chemical structure and the toxicity of the molecules. The principal classes of substances of abuse will be considered as regard their potential of abuse, the relative Italian legislation and their pharmacological action. The principal analytical methods for the detection of the drugs of abuse in both biological and non-biological samples will be taken into account, even by means of practical experiments in laboratory.

“GENE THERAPY AND ADVANCED BIOTECH DRUGS” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10 h, 2 credits).
Course responsibility: Prof. Loris RIZZELLO, September 2024.
Teachers: Prof. L. RIZZELLO, Dr. E. SCARPA - University of Milan.
Gene therapy and biotech drugs-based research is at an inflection point and experiencing tremendous growth. With the onset of novel therapies, powerful genomic solutions are needed to help ensure the therapy is optimized to deliver the intended end product. The course will provide the students with the advanced knowledge on the new methods for gene editing, including the last available CRISPR/Cas9 systems or the adenoviruses- or lentiviruses-associated transfection. This will be put in the context of an efficient cellular delivery, with the aim of designing nanoparticles able to carry the drug and deliver it within the desired body compartments or tissue. Also, topics like nanoparticles bio-distribution and characterisation techniques will be addressed, especially in the context of in vivo applications. At the end of the classes, the students will learn how to reversely engineer a class of biotechnological drug, which can be designed for the treatment of a specific genetic disorder-related disease.

La verifica dell’apprendimento (con giudizio di approvazione: superato oppure non superato) avrà luogo per ogni lezione impartita mediante risposte a un questionario contenente domande elaborate da ognuno dei docenti. Per l’approvazione, è necessario che i dottoranti rispondano correttamente all'80% dei quesiti loro proposti.



“PRECISION NANOMEDICINE AND NANOPARTICLES DELIVERY” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10 h, 2 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Loris RIZZELLO, October-November 2022.
Teachers: prof. Giuseppe BATTAGLIA (University College-London and IBEC-Barcelona) and prof. Loris RIZZELLO (UniMi).

a) The Goldilocks principle.
b) Life is a watery affair.
c) Working the (bio)crowd.
d) Molecular targeting vs cell selectivity.
e) Mechanical power at the nanoscale: the viscous machine.
f) Biological and physiological barriers and opportunities.

“INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH ECONOMIC EVALUATION” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10 h, 2 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Paola MINGHETTI, January 2023.
Teacher: prof. Michela TINELLI (London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK).

a) Introduction to economic evaluation.
b) Economic evaluation to inform decision making.
c) Cost-effectiveness of pharmacy-led interventions.
d) Reporting economic evaluation.
e) Exercise in class and homework.
f) Introduction to HTA and analysis of HTA data.
g) Modelling in EE and practical examples.
h) Economics of social care and practical examples.

“THE DRUG DISCOVERY PROCESS: FROM TARGET TO LEAD IDENTIFICATION” (mandatory for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 20h, 4 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Giulio VISTOLI, February 13-15, 2023.

Welcome and introductory remarks. Giulio VISTOLI and Marco DE AMICI - University of Milan.
a) The drug discovery process from targets to leads: an overview. Dr. T. BANDIERA (IIT, Genoa).
b) Target identification and target validation. Dr. L. LANFRANCONE (IEO, Milan).
c) Hit identification approaches. Dr. C. MERCURIO (IFOM, Milan).
d) Hit identification: from theory to real cases. Dr. F. BERTOZZI, (IIT, Genoa).
e) Organism-based strategies for drug discovery. Prof. S. MASIERO (University of Milan).
f) Molecular models for drug discovery applications. Prof. A. LODOLA (University of Parma).
g) Supercomputers serving drug discovery: lesson learned from the Sars-Cov-2 emergency. Dr. C. TALARICO (Dompé Farmaceutici SpA).
h) Practical approaches for ADMET parameters optimization during the drug discovery phase. Dr. M. G. DONDIO (Aphad, Milan).
i) Lead optimization: facts or fantasy? A quick journey in a long process. Dr. A. CIANCIULLI (Aptuit - an Evotec Company, Verona).
l) Statistical learning and deep artificial neural networks: selected applications in drug discovery. Dr. T. GIORGINO [Istituto di Biofisica (IBF-CNR) Milan].

“BIOCATALYTIC APPROACHES TO THE SYNTHESIS OF ENANTIOPURE DRUG SUBSTANCES" (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10h, 2 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Marco DE AMICI, May 2023.

a) Introduction to biocatalysis and main classes of enzymes. Dr. S. RIVA – IRCM, CNR Milan.
b) Overview on the use of proteins for pharmaceutical applications and, more specifically, of enzymatic formulations in biocatalysis. Dr. F. SECUNDO – IRCM, CNR Milan.
c) The relevance of chirality in medicinal chemistry. Prof. M. DE AMICI - University of Milan.
d) Biocatalyzed processes to produce Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs): case examples. Dr. S. RIVA – IRCM, CNR Milan.

“HPC@UNIMI: INDACO FOR CHEMOINFORMATIC AND BIOPHYSICAL APPROACHES IN DRUG DISCOVERY” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 h, 3 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Giovanni GRAZIOSO, June 2022.
Teachers: prof. G. GRAZIOSO, dr. A. MAZZOLARI, dr. F. LEVERARO, dr. U. GUERRINI, prof. A. PEDRETTI, prof. A. CONTINI, prof. I. EBERINI.

a) HPC@UNIMI: Indaco as a computing infrastructure for mathematical-statistical applications, molecular modeling, and "omics" techniques.
b) HPC@Indaco, basic concepts of computers and networks, UNIX, installation of applications and access to the platform, applications’ optimization, and management.
c) Application of the ligand- and structure-based approaches for the design of new potential drugs.
Topics will include an introduction to the most common molecular modeling interfaces, conformational sampling, small molecule docking, and molecular dynamics simulations.
d) Hands-on lessons for anyone interested in moving the first steps in the field of computer-aided drug design using Schrödinger, Vega, and other software aimed at novices or not.

“BASIC STATISTICS FOR BIOLOGICAL DATA” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10h, 2 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Gian Enrico ROVATI, September 2023.
Teachers: prof. G. E. ROVATI, dr. A. ORENTI - University of Milan.

a) Measures of central location of a sample.
b) Measures of spread of a sample.
c) Standard Normal Distribution.
d) One tailed and two tailed test.
e) The power and the significance level of a test.
f) Sample size
g) The use of flow-charts to select a test.
h) Linear regression and non-linear regression.
i) Correlation coefficient.
l) One Way and Two-Way ANOVA.
m) ANOVA for repeated measures.

“MASS SPECTROMETRY APPLICATIONS IN DRUG DISCOVERY” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 h, 3 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Giancarlo ALDINI, September 2023.
Teachers: prof. G. ALDINI, dr. A. ALTOMARE, dr. G. BARON - University of Milan.

a) Analytical strategies based on High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS), for the study of new molecular targets, identification and characterization of small and large bioactive molecules and elucidation of their mechanisms of action: Theoretical aspects.
b) Overview of the main HR-ESI-MS applications:
b1) Characterization of small molecules and identification of bioactive naturally occurring compounds (METABOLOMICS);
b2) Characterization of large bioactive molecules and bio-conjugates (Quali/Quantitative PROTEOMICS).
c) Lab experiences: sample preparation and LCMS analysis, followed by data analysis.

“ANALYTICAL APPROACHES IN FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 15 h, 3 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Gabriella RODA, September 2023.
Teachers: prof. G. RODA, dr. S. CASATI - University of Milan.

The objective of the course is to study the link between the chemical structure and the toxicity of the molecules. The principal classes of substances of abuse will be considered as regard their potential of abuse, the relative Italian legislation and their pharmacological action. The principal analytical methods for the detection of the drugs of abuse in both biological and non-biological samples will be taken into account, even by means of practical experiments in laboratory.

“GENE THERAPY AND ADVANCED BIOTECH DRUGS” (optional for PhD students in "Pharmaceutical Sciences", 10 h, 2 credits).
Course responsibility: prof. Loris RIZZELLO, September 2023.
Teachers: prof. L. RIZZELLO, dr. E. SCARPA - University of Milan.

Gene therapy and biotech drugs-based research is at an inflection point and experiencing tremendous growth. With the onset of novel therapies, powerful genomic solutions are needed to help ensure the therapy is optimized to deliver the intended end product. The course will provide the students with the advanced knowledge on the new methods for gene editing, including the last available CRISPR/Cas9 systems or the adenoviruses- or lentiviruses-associated transfection. This will be put in the context of an efficient cellular delivery, with the aim of designing nanoparticles able to carry the drug and deliver it within the desired body compartments or tissue. Also, topics like nanoparticles bio-distribution and characterisation techniques will be addressed, especially in the context of in vivo applications. At the end of the classes, the students will learn how to reversely engineer a class of biotechnological drug, which can be designed for the treatment of a specific genetic disorder-related disease.

La verifica dell’apprendimento (con giudizio di approvazione: superato oppure non superato) avrà luogo per ogni lezione impartita mediante risposte a un questionario contenente domande elaborate da ognuno dei docenti. Per l’approvazione, è necessario che i dottoranti rispondano correttamente all'80% dei quesiti loro proposti.



“APPLICATION OF PEPTIDES AND PROTEINS IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES" (corso facoltativo per i dottorandi in Scienze Farmaceutiche, 25h, 5 cfu).
Responsabilità del corso: prof.ssa Alessandra ROMANELLI. Svolgimento: gennaio 2022.

a) Short introduction to the course. Giancarlo ALDINI e Marco DE AMICI - Università di Milano.
b) Antimicrobial peptides: design and studies on the mechanism of action. Alessandra ROMANELLI, University of Milan.
c) Roadmap to a successful industrial transfer for peptides therapeutics: key technical, regulatory, environmental and economic considerations”.
d) Peptide chemistry in drug discovery and new peptide therapeutics.
e) Chemical ligation approaches for protein synthesis and modification”.
f) Key features of mAb-specific concepts and important pharmacokinetic parameters.
g) Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) in cancer therapy: state of the art and future directions.
h) Peptide-based vehicles for tumor vascular targeting with cytokines.
i) Computational design of peptide-based inhibitors”.
l) Biocatalyzed production of active pharmaceutical intermediates.
m) Identification, production, and optimization of enzymes.
n) A glimpse of drug discovery through X-ray crystallography. D
o) Funnel-Metadymanics as accurate binding free energy method.

“THE DRUG DISCOVERY PROCESS: DEVELOPMENT OF A CLINICAL CANDIDATE” (corso obbligatorio per i dottorandi in Scienze Farmaceutiche, 25h, 5 cfu).
Responsabilità del corso: prof. Giancarlo ALDINI. Svolgimento: 14-16 febbraio 2022.

a) Welcome and introductory remarks. Giancarlo ALDINI and Marco DE AMICI - University of Milan.
b) From drug discovery to pilot plant manufacturing: the secrets of process scale-up. Lorenzo CARUANA and Paul Heinrich WIEDENAU - Aptuit-Evotec.
c) Entrectinib: early process R&D in support of first clinical studies. Ilaria CANDIANI, NerPharMa.
d) Primum non nocere: the pre-clinical safety evaluation. Marina MARINOVICH, University of Milan.
e) Methodology of clinical research and the clinical study protocol. Marco SCATIGNA - Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
f) Clinical trial management and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Lorenzo COTTINI - High Research - Evidenze Group.
g) Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs): from design to clinical supply. Cristina MACELLONI - Cosmo Pharmaceuticals.
h) Bioanalysis: a pivotal tool across development. Alessandro GRECO - Aptuit-Evotec.
i) Statistical and pharmacokinetic analysis across the different phases of a clinical development. Andrea NIZZARDO and Alessia TAGLIAVINI - Aptuit-Evotec.
l) Pharmaceutical development at a glance. Giuseppe COLOMBO - Italfarmaco SpA.
m) Pharmaceutical development of solid oral dosage forms, particularly for modified release: rules and examples. Luigi MORO - Pharmaceutical Development Expert.
n) Drug product continuous manufacturing: evolution or revolution? Giustino DI PRETORO - Janssen R&D.
o) A regulatory journey from discovery to patients: steps and actors. Paola TOCCHETTI - Aptuit-Evotec.

“HPC@UNIMI: INDACO FOR CHEMOINFORMATIC AND BIOPHYSICAL APPROACHES IN DRUG DISCOVERY” (corso facoltativo per i dottorandi in Scienze Farmaceutiche, 10h, 2 cfu).
Responsabilità del corso: prof. Giovanni GRAZIOSO. Svolgimento: aprile 2022.

a) HPC@UNIMI: Indaco as a computing infrastructure for mathematical-statistical applications, molecular modeling, and "omics" techniques.
b) HPC@Indaco, basic concepts of computers and networks, UNIX, installation of applications and access to the platform, applications’ optimization, and management.
c) Chemoinformatics in drug discovery: ligand- and structure-based approaches.
d) Biophysical approaches in drug discovery: general overview and applied techniques.
Docenti del corso: Giovanni GRAZIOSO, Angelica MAZZOLARI, Franco LEVERARO, Uliano GUERRINI, Giulio VISTOLI - University of Milan.

“BIOCATALYTIC APPROACHES TO THE SYNTHESIS OF ENANTIOPURE DRUG SUBSTANCES" (corso facoltativo per i dottorandi in Scienze Farmaceutiche, 10h, 2 cfu).
Responsabilità del corso: prof. Marco DE AMICI. Svolgimento: maggio 2022.

a) Introduction to biocatalysis and main classes of enzymes. Sergio RIVA – IRCM, CNR Milan.
b) Overview on the use of proteins for pharmaceutical applications and, more specifically, of enzymatic formulations in biocatalysis. Francesco SECUNDO – IRCM, CNR Milan.
b) The relevance of chirality in medicinal chemistry. Marco DE AMICI - University of Milan.
b) Biocatalyzed processes for the production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs): case examples. Sergio RIVA – IRCM, CNR Milan.

“BASIC STATISTICS FOR BIOLOGICAL DATA” (corso facoltativo per i dottorandi in Scienze Farmaceutiche, 10h, 2 cfu).
Responsabilità del corso: prof. Gian Enrico ROVATI. Svolgimento: settembre 2022.
Docenti del corso: Gian Enrico ROVATI, Annalisa ORENTI - University of Milan.

“MASS SPECTROMETRY APPLICATIONS IN DRUG DISCOVERY” (corso facoltativo per i dottorandi in Scienze Farmaceutiche, 15h, 3 cfu).
Responsabilità del corso: prof. Giancarlo ALDINI. Svolgimento: settembre 2022.
Docenti del corso: Giancarlo ALDINI, Alessandra ALTOMARE, Giovanna BARON - University of Milan.

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